Kira Rudik
02 Sep 2024#ALDE#leadership#women

Ukrainian women have already shown that they are capable of doing incredible things, — Kira Rudik about The Alliance of Her Ukraine Mission 2024 school in Ivano-Frankivsk

Ukrainian women will be able to gain new knowledge about political processes and leadership with the help of The Alliance of Her Ukraine Mission 2024 school. It was presented in the Ivano-Frankivsk region by Ukrainian MP, «Golos» party leader, ALDE Vice President, and The Alliance of Her ambassador Kira Rudik. «Ukrainian women will never cease to amaze with their desire to work for the victory, help, change the status quo for the better. Ivano-Frankivsk region is another proof of this. Were they all born with leadership qualities? Probably not. But we learned to be them», — said the MP. The Alliance of Her Ukraine Mission 2024 is a unique political leadership educational program aimed at supporting and empowering talented, ambitious liberal women in Ukraine in the midst of martial law and reconstruction. Its second session was devoted to practical tools and skills for successful political participation. «Knowledge and skills are needed to help become more effective, bring more benefit, and change the future of your community and country. I am proud of the current participants of the program and invite future ones. Because Ukrainian women have already shown what self-organization, support, and action are capable of, and with new knowledge, they will be able to change not only their state but also the world», — the leader of «Golos» summed up. This program is one of the ways in which The Alliance of Her, the Representation of the «Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom» in Ukraine, and the «Land of Freedom Foundation» strive to provide women with new opportunities and tools for political leadership, reconstruction, and development of Ukraine.