Kira Rudik
25 Jul 2024#USA

We have to strengthen communication and inform radical Republicans as much as possible about the situation in Ukraine, — Kira Rudik

Now, the main task of Ukrainian parliamentarians and diplomats is to inform radical representatives of the US Republican Party as much as possible about what is happening in Ukraine. And this is a challenging task since they are skeptical about the need to support Ukraine. This was insisted on by Ukrainian MP, «Golos» party leader, ALDE Vice President Kira Rudik. «What are we doing as Ukraine? Do we have a team that works with Trump's team, brings them here, and lets them see with their own eyes the destruction, the front line, Ukrainians, and life here? I do not see such a team yet, but I know that many of my colleagues (including the opposition) are working to establish ties with Donald Trump's team, with those who will influence their international policy», — the MP explains. Unfortunately, Ukraine has not yet worked with the pro-Trump wing of the Republicans. This must be urgently compensated.  «We have not worked enough, so now we need to focus on these tasks and strengthen our position and ability to convey our information. We need to work not so much with congressmen, but in districts with those states in which there is a lot of support for radical Republicans. And this should be done not only by MPs but also by representatives of the public sector, the military, veterans etc», — emphasizes the leader of «Golos».