Kira Rudik
18 Oct 2024

We need to recognize the problems and respond to the current challenges of the continent, — Kira Rudik on the crisis of liberal Europe

Suppose the European liberal political forces do not start to solve the urgent problems — the war in the center of the continent and the migration crisis. In that case, they risk completely losing the support of the voters. And the surge of right-wing and left-wing populists in the country poses a direct threat to the entire collective event. This was emphasized by Ukrainian MP, «Golos» party leader Kira Rudik in a column for «Ukrainian Pravda».

«What do the liberals plan to do with these challenges? There is no answer because the politicians of the liberal free world carefully avoid this topic. They focus on freedom, LGBT, green transition, respect for everyone, and women's rights. On the one hand, these are the right words and values, but on the other hand, they are completely disconnected from actual reality. Freedom, equal rights, and LGBT are great, but this does not solve the problem of migrants who arrive by the thousands on the shores of European countries. The green transition is smart and useful, but it does not save from war in the center of the continent. Respect for everyone does not decide how to confront russia and China, who are strengthening their positions. This does not mean at all that liberal values ​​no longer work, it means that in parallel with them, difficult things must be discussed, and the voter informed that there will be no simple solution», — the MP explains. The politicians of the Old World must finally recognize the problems and start talking to the voters in a grown-up way, responding to their needs. «The first thing is to face the truth and admit the problem. It is to recognize, not to avoid (the position of an ostrich with its head in the sand is irresponsible). To finally start talking to the voters in an adult manner and respond to their needs. Of course, it is difficult but vitally necessary. A politician's views must correspond to the current challenges that his voters have to overcome. Did you close down the weapons factories because they ran counter to the green corridor? Now you are defenseless against the Chinese and russian regimes, which have armed themselves and continue to arm themselves to the teeth. Will the electorate understand the value of freedom if they think about how to feed their family and where to find a job?», — the politician emphasizes. If this change does not happen, the voters will go to those politicians who promise simple and quick solutions, i.e. populists, and this is already threatening a disaster.  «A voter disappointed with liberals will go to populists with their simple solutions and bright slogans. As a result, after a certain time, one may not have either food or freedom. And this is already a disaster not only for liberals but also for the whole of Europe», — the leader of «Golos» summarizes.