Kira Rudik
31 May 2024

Where the Ukrainians' voices are not heard, the russians are screaming. So our voices should be everywhere, — Kira Rudik

Ukraine and its partners do not expect russia to withdraw its troops after the G7 meeting or the Global Peace Summit. But we should continue working on all platforms and tell the world the truth about russian aggression and putin's goal. This was emphasized by Ukrainian MP, «Golos» party leader, ALDE Vice President Kira Rudik in the column for Ukrainska Pravda.

«It is obvious that some kind of document will be formed based on the results of the Peace Summit, which will be handed over to moscow. Obviously, the kremlin will not agree to it and will offer its own version, which we will not agree to. However, the more allies Ukraine has in the world, the harder it will be for russia to promote unfavorable conditions for us», — the politician notes. Ukraine's task is to establish a dialogue where russia still maintains influence. «No one expects that immediately after the Summit, russia will withdraw its troops, pay reparations, and renounce encroachments on Ukraine. But if we manage to establish a dialogue where russia pours crazy money into propaganda and increasing influence, if we manage to convey our opinion to a wide variety of politicians, that will already be a positive result. All these are the small steps that bring our victory closer. However, this approach requires everyone's efforts. If you look at the amount of work in front of us, it is clear that even if every diplomat, politician, public figure, or ordinary Ukrainian abroad joins it, more effort will still be needed. This is a vast field, but it needs to be covered. We already know that where Ukrainians cannot be heard, russians are screaming. So our voice must be everywhere», — the leader of «Golos» emphasizes.