Female leadership 
Today, many women who aspire to find fulfillment in business or politics face many challenges and problems. I am convinced that the best solution to those challenges would be joint work, mutual support, and female mentoring. The IT-company where I was a top-manager had the highest percentage of women in the Ukrainian industry — about 35%. In the “Golos” party, more than a half of the deputies of local councils are women. I am also a member of the "Equal opportunities" parliamentary group, which advocates for equality and support for women in all areas of public life. Within the framework of cooperation with ALDE I launched the European school The Alliance of Her in Ukraine. This is a unique educational program of political leadership, aimed at supporting and expanding the opportunities of talented and ambitious women in Ukraine in the conditions of martial law and reconstruction. In 2024, the program consisted of three sessions, each dedicated to learning key skills to build your political future. In particular, the sessions were held in Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk and the Carpathians. 20 Ukrainian women have already received school graduation certificates. As a result of the program, female participants built new useful contacts, deepened their knowledge of the Ukrainian political landscape and political leadership, discovered strategies for overcoming gender barriers, and acquired knowledge necessary for the development of leadership potential. As the ambassador of The Alliance of Her and the founder of the school in Ukraine, I delivered a speech in every session.