Kira Rudik
04 Aug 2024#women#leadership

Female political leadership is a power that can change the world, — Kira Rudik spoke at the opening of The Alliance of Her Ukraine Mission 2024 school in Kyiv

Practical steps in communication, forming your brand, establishing useful contacts, developing yourself, and capitalizing on your influence were discussed at the school of women's political leadership The Alliance of Her Ukraine Mission 2024 which was launched in Kyiv. Ukrainian MP, «Golos» party leader, ALDE Vice President Kira Rudik joined the event. «Women's political leadership is a power that can change the world. And this is not an exaggeration. We see women politicians saving campaigns like Kamala Harris in the US, strengthening European institutions like Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas, or raising people to revolt against a dictator like María Corina Machado in Venezuela. And it is important to be the one who leads», — the politician stressed.

The Alliance of Her Ukraine Mission 2024 women's political leadership program is unique in its relevance, comprehensive approach, and strong support of the international liberal community. It is an investment in the future of liberal women of Ukraine because it provides knowledge, tools, and support to influence the country's development effectively. It was joined by 20 participants who came from 20 Ukrainian cities. «Thank you to everyone who participated, as well as to the representative office of the «Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom» in Ukraine, Land of Freedom Foundation, and The Alliance of Her for a unique program for Ukrainian women who want to lead and change the country», — the leader of «Golos» summed up.