Kira Rudik
26 Feb 2024

Having ambassadors of Ukraine among the European political forces is very important, — Kira Rudik on the memorandum with the Latvian party Kustība Par!

Providing support to Ukraine in resisting russian aggression and advocating our country's accession to the EU are the key points of the memorandum of cooperation signed by the «Golos» party with the Latvian political force Kustība Par!. This was reported by Ukrainian MP, «Golos» party leader, and ALDE Vice President Kira Rudik. «Having friends of Ukraine among European political forces is important, but having Ukrainian ambassadors among European political forces is even more crucial. One of such lobbyists of our state in the EU is the Latvian party Kustība Par!. The signed document provides that Kustība Par! will promote in Latvia and the EU the provision of armed and financial support to our state, will provide advocacy for our accession to the EU and share Latvian experience in this process», — the politician emphasized.

In particular, the memorandum refers to: * comprehensive political support, common values based on democracy, respect for human rights, and the rule of law; * lobbying for permanent political, military, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine in Latvia and the EU; * initiatives for the recovery of Ukraine; * constant exchange of information and work at local levels.

«For its part, «Golos» undertakes to work on bringing Ukraine to the legal and institutional standards of the European Union. Several projects for restoring war-affected settlements and technological and digital support are also foreseen. Thank you Kustība Par! And glad to work together!», — the  «Golos» leader stressed.