Kira Rudik
17 Jun 2024#leadership

We announce recruitment to the Academy of The Alliance of Her Ukraine Mission 2024 for Ukrainian women, — Kira Rudik in Odesa

Ukrainian women more than once demonstrated their willpower and ability to be leaders during a full-scale war. This was emphasized by Ukrainian MP, «Golos» party leader, ALDE Vide President Kira Rudik during the women's event in Odesa.  «Women's leadership and full-scale war: what can each of us do to bring victory closer? Every participant of the women's forum in Odesa had this question. It gathered female parliamentarians, deputies of local councils, volunteers, and public figures.  That is, those who say to themselves and others every day: who if not me?», — the politician emphasized. During the event, the women's academy of political leadership «The Alliance of Her Ukraine Mission 2024» was presented to the participants.  «We discussed priority women's initiatives during the war (and there are a lot of them), listened, received feedback and wishes from regional teams and their leaders, and determined how each of us can help. I thank the Odesa branch of «Golos» and Natalya Delieva, as well as The Land of Freedom Foundation and The Swedish International Liberal Center», — Kira Rudik concluded.