
Kira Rudik
03 Sep 2024 Europe should strengthen its security capabilities without waiting for the results of the US elections, — Kira Rudik at GLOBSEC Forum 2024 #EU #security #aggression
Kira Rudik
02 Sep 2024Ukrainian women have already shown that they are capable of doing incredible things, — Kira Rudik about The Alliance of Her Ukraine Mission 2024 school in Ivano-Frankivsk #ALDE #leadership #women
Kira Rudik
30 Aug 2024The unity and efforts of everyone can bring victory closer, — Kira Rudik met with the female leaders in Ivano-Frankivsk #ALDE #leadership #women
Kira Rudik
13 Aug 2024Kira Rudik delivered a speech at the presentation of the program The Alliance of Her Ukraine Mission 2024 in Sumy region #women #leadership
Kira Rudik
06 Aug 2024This is the response to the huge demand for women's political leadership, — Kira Rudik about the first session of The Alliance of Her Ukraine Mission 2024 program #women #leadership
Kira Rudik
05 Aug 2024Practical skills are important for young politicians, — Kira Rudik on the second day of The Alliance of Her Ukraine Mission 2024 school in Kyiv #women #leadership
Kira Rudik
04 Aug 2024Female political leadership is a power that can change the world, — Kira Rudik spoke at the opening of The Alliance of Her Ukraine Mission 2024 school in Kyiv #women #leadership
Kira Rudik
02 Aug 2024The leadership of Ukrainian women is top-notch and should be seen as an example — Kira Rudik at a meeting with the women of Oleksandriia #women #leadership
Kira Rudik
31 Jul 2024Kira Rudik joined the charity challenge in support of the Center for Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Kira Rudik
25 Jul 2024We have to strengthen communication and inform radical Republicans as much as possible about the situation in Ukraine, — Kira Rudik #USA