Kira Rudik
02 Aug 2024#women#leadership

The leadership of Ukrainian women is top-notch and should be seen as an example — Kira Rudik at a meeting with the women of Oleksandriia

Current problems faced by women, programs for the development of women's leadership, and their meaning for Ukraine were discussed at a round table in Oleksandriia City Council. Ukrainian MP, «Golos» party leader, ALDE Kira Rudik participated in the event. «The leadership that Ukrainian women demonstrated and continue to demonstrate is worthy of the world level. It should be seen and followed. This was discussed with representatives of the Oleksandriia community in Kirovohrad region. At the round table, I talked about women's leadership and its role and significance during the war, for the further recovery and accession of Ukraine to the EU», — the MP shared the details. According to Kira Rudik, representatives of the region shared their thoughts on the current situation with gender balance. «Women shared issues on the ground and constructive suggestions on how to solve them. For our part, we have experience and programs for women. It was an incredible and lively discussion, beneficial for all. Thanks to Oksana Guida, head of the Poltava territorial organization of the «Golos» party, for the invitation and organization», — the politician concluded.